About 3G
The Birth of 3G: A Journey of Self-Discovery
When Sofia, our founder, moved to a new country, she faced an unexpected challenge -
a profound loneliness that went beyond homesickness.

She missed the supportive circle of women who had been her anchor. As the world retreated into isolation during the pandemic, Sofia's longing intensified.
Watching women around her struggle with self-doubt, work-life balance, and finding purpose, Sofia had an epiphany: she wasn't alone in her need for connection and growth.
Taking a leap of faith, she started small gatherings for women to support each other's personal growth.

The transformation was remarkable. Women who entered feeling lost began to shine with newfound confidence. They rediscovered passions, changed careers, healed relationships, and learned to love themselves.

As word spread, more women joined, each carrying their own stories of triumph and struggle.

Sofia witnessed how, together, women could overcome the universal challenges of personal growth:

  • Facing uncomfortable truths;
  • Confronting deep-seated insecurities;
  • Letting go of limiting beliefs;
  • Navigating changing relationships;
  • Battling self-doubt and fear of the unknown.
3G Guided.Getaways.Gatherings. was born
- a sanctuary for growth, where women could be vulnerable, authentic, and supported.

It became a place where every woman could find her tribe, face her fears, celebrate her victories, and grow into her authentic self.
Today, 3G continues to evolve, guided by the belief that when women come together with intention, magic happens.

Are you ready to join us on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery?

We have a lot to offer!

Facebook: 3G (Guided. Getaways. Gatherings)
Facebook: 3G
(Guided. Getaways. Gatherings)
LLC "Trust Your Design"

e-mail - 3gdenverevents@gmail.com
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