Participation Agreement for the Transformational Event “SoulShine Dance”

1. General Provisions
This agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made between the participant (hereinafter referred to as the “Participant”) and the organizers of the event “SoulShine Dance” (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”). By participating in the event, the Participant confirms that they have read and accepted the terms of this Agreement.

2. Purpose of the Event
The “SoulShine Dance” event aims to transform, develop personal strength, and achieve harmony through dance and self-expression practices.

3. Conditions of Participation
The Participant agrees to:
- Participate fully in the event.
- Follow the rules of conduct and respect other participants and organizers.

4. Payment
The Participant confirms that they have made the payment for participation in the event within the specified timeframe.

5. Refund Policy
In the event that the Participant cannot attend the event due to reasons beyond the Organizer's control (including, but not limited to: illness, force majeure circumstances, personal reasons), the payment amount is non-refundable.

6. Other Conditions
- The Participant agrees that the Organizer has the right to use photographs and video recordings taken during the event for promotional purposes.
- This Agreement is governed by the laws of USA.

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